"The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution
are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them
against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from
our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger
and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting
infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should
suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to
be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men."
-Samuel Adams
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate
their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from
the mouth of labor the bread it has earned, this is the sum of good
-Thomas Jefferson
TODD'S VILLA / Bump came up to Stacey's reception and we had a really nice time. We talked of the good old days and afterwards he hung out at my house before heading back home. We talked about lots of things and Bump ask if we had our food storage saved up and sad to say I told him we used to have alot, gave wheat to Val when moved here cause this house is small and had no place to store it. We do have some extra food but not alot right now. He said if things get super bad in this country we are going to need it!! He knows our church suggests we all have a year supply of food on hand for anything that might come up , like lost of job, hurricane or flood damage, strikes from food lines and other catastrophe event that could occur. Bump said that his son who lives in the Pan Handle was going to have a" Todd's Villa "and take care of all the people on his circle. We laughed and joked but he said all will help each other and one person will be in charge and all work together. Seriously it was funny to hear him talk about it but he was truly concerned i think. It could happen one day i reckon and guess his son Paul really wants to have a plan that he can put into action if it were to happen. He talked about rationing food and all that kind of thing. I said Bump , " you can come by here and we will all make the track together to Todd's Villa and be just like the pioneers! " haha Won't be able to afford gas so we may have to go by foot. ha. that for sure will make it tough getting there. We always have fun conversations when Bump comes to visit. We always have fun chatting together.
Would you believe we are even talking of having a slumber party at my house one night. Can you imagine!! haha
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