The Temple/the House of the Lord here on earth
In these sacred Holy Temples we have the privilege of connecting families together for time and eternity. the work is being done for those who have passed on before us. We connect the long line of our descendants. What we offer can only be found in this church. In these sacred temples of " The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." the names of your loved ones who have passed on will be "spoken" and they will know they have not been forgotten. Here holy ordinances will be done in there behalf. Each family member will be added to the chain of their progenity, and as Malachi said " And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. He wants families to be together. But you say some might not want this, well they may think different one day but each will have the opportunity.
another passage says , otherwise all is wasted at his coming, We all will be connected in a long line as our hearts turn to our ancestors. As we take their name through they will be united to their families once again! what a great moment that will be!! Maybe not you say, but yes, many many will be excited and have been waiting for this special moment!! Its being taken care of on this end as well as on the other side, all will be connected. Just think about it, there is a plan!
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