Friday, October 1, 2010


Well two wks. ago I set out to do this puzzle , only 500 pieces. it would be a snap! Something to do when relaxing and not running around. Well all was good and got to the very bottom of the puzzle and had only maybe twenty five pieces to go and then BOOM! pulled out and put in and still only had twenty pieces to go and thought ok almost done , then rearranged some and still only twenty pieces to go, ok, its all good , just hit a tough place but no big deal, but now had thirty pieces to go. OK, I can do this and now its the last of the second week and after four hours working on it for three nights I am starting to wonder, four evenings taken up , perhaps I should throw in the towel. What happened , your guess is as good as mine?? I have worked the most complicated puzzles ever so many times and for the life of me could not figure out how to get these few blue pieces of sky put together. Wow, I will have dad take a picture of this small puzzle that beat the socks off me as they say. Will add this puzzle here so you can see what I was dealing with. From the image the pieces look awful cause they have been bent , pushed and shoved every which way to get them to fit into the right place. Think I even found still where a couple went but by looks of puzzle you might not be able to tell they go there. ha! If ever their was a challenge this one was it for sure!!