Monday, March 18, 2024

Trip to Indiana

  Well to start with I had some  resurvations about going cause was thinking I could not handle the cold.

At the last minute, night before left I finally said ok, would go.  Sarah had bought me winter underware to help keep me warm.   Away I went ( on plane) Kim and Sarah picked us up, only took like couple hours, sure beat driving.  Bump backed out to going this trip.  The following is what we did........

 Donna cleaned Joe's house as she always wants to do!

Joe took us out to get pizza at our favorite place ...Bobe's Pizza!  Its the very best pizza ever!!

We hit a few thrift stores which was fun as always and got a few cute things. 

We got to use Sarah's old car for getting around in.. 

We visited the following people while home.....Roscoe, Joe, Tammy, Olive, Ozeta and it was nice seeing them all. Joe has trouble with leg, Roscoe can hardly talk, Tammy let us stay in the house that was once Roscoe's. She had it fixed up so nicely, and it was good having a private bath and a very clean and nice place to stay.

So now for a funny thing that happened while staying at Tammy's, one evening,  

Reminded me of the movie " MOUSE HUNT"   yes a tiny mouse ran across the floor while staying at Tammy's place. It brushed against my pant leg and I screemed and jumped upon a chair. ha!   It was so funny and we set a mouse trap next day but it didn't take the bate. Guess he stayed hidden after that cause we never saw him again.  We laughted pretty hard that evening, such a funny memory!! ha!  Being the cold season there I was told if  they can find a way to get in from the cold they will.  😄

Friday, March 15, 2024


 There is one kind of marriage in life that you should avoid.  Its mentioned in 2nd Corinthians 6:14.  Here is part of that verse......

                                " Do not be unequally yoked together."

   Unequally yoked sounds strange right?  Its not.  This is the Bible's way of saying that people 

shouldn't marry someone who doesn't believe as they do. Spiritual unbalanced is like different sized oxen

 trying to work together- it's hard to make progress.  The best marriage fit is two people who believe the same things and even about God & Church.

Parent Perfection

                                              PARENT PERFECTION NO

Reality Check 1;....There are no perfect parents. 

Reality Check 2: You're not perfect either.

Most parents want to do the right thing in raising their children. They work hard, haul their kids around , and much more.  The truth is that its takes both parents and their kids who really want to  do things to create a happier home. 

How is it done?

"Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.....Fathers and Mothers, do not provoke your children to wrath."  (Ephesians 6:1-4)

In the home everyone can do their part to make things work.  

 Sound out the words below as a pledge to your family......



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Monday, March 4, 2024

More on trip to Indiana ...

 Well this will be all about my trip to Indiana......had a great time visiting with my siblings.... Joe, Roscoe and Sarah plus some of Sarah's kids and spent time with Tammy and Steve...Roscoe's son and wife. Tammy has Roscoe's old home fixed up really comfy and thats where we stayed and it was so nice to have a comfy bed and bath. . Every time we visit Joe, my brother takes us to Bobe's Pizza and honestly it is the best pizza you could ever want. We drove around Vincennes and hit some thrift stores , watched a sweet movie called "Thomasina."  Was cold only about two days, got 30 and 24 degrees ... some ice and wind! 

I do have to tell about this MOUSE that ran across kitchen and brushed against my leg. I jumped and yelled.😯  They asured me it was not  a Rat. It might been more to worry about but it was just a tiny mouse.  Sarah said they come in from the cold , this reminded me so much of the movie

 "MOUSE HUNT."   Watch this movie if you can!Mouse - Wikipedia 

  Donna cleaned Joe's house. He has a pretty hard time getting around these days with just one good leg... other one is off and giving him a problem! 

Roscoe said a few words this time that we could understand but for most part he barely talks. Sarah has a cane and if does alot of walking needs a wheelchair. she sleeps taking oxygen at night. All us Todd kids are now in eighties and nineties. 

In all it was a really fun nice trip!