Saturday, April 29, 2023


Love this song and hope it will be played when I leave this earth. To my husband...     Lyrics to the song;  

Pull it up and listen and hear it sung / called...."Goodbye"

I wanted you for life 

You and me in the wind 

I never thought there 's come a time 

That our story would end

Its hard to understand 

but I guess I'll have to try

Its not easy to say goodbye...

For all the joy we shared 

All that time we had to spend

Now if I had one wish 

I'd want forever back again

To look into your eyes

And hold you when you cry 

It's not easy 

to say goodbye...

I remember all those great times we had

There were so many memories , some good , some bad

Yes, and through it all, those memories will last forever....

There's peace in where you are

Maybe thats all I need to know 

And if I listen to my heart 

I'll hear your laughter once more,,,

And so I've got to say

I'm just glad you came my way 

It's not easy to say  Goodbye...😢..........its a sad song huh!

To my Gtandkids

 What will you grow up to be?  

I'll love you , who ever you grow up to be. 

This is the first time there's ever been YOU

So I wonder what wonderful things you will do....

I know you'll be kind 

and clever

and bold    

And the bigger your heart, the more it will hold . 

What will YOU grow up to be??

I will love YOU no matter whoever you grow up to be!!


Friday, April 28, 2023


 What has Jesus done for you?

1. He outlined this plan for our journey here.

2. `Layed out the plan how to get back.

3. Gave his son to show us the way.

4. Set up His plan and said because He lives again so shall you.

5. Told us families can be together forever!Wonderful!

6.When we rise we hope to qualify for His choicest blessings. ...its our HOPE!

 7.All this helps us to love better, forgive easier and have comfort in death.  

  Sounds like a good plan!!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Two Great Songs....

   Pull them up on your computer and listen!

Dion and the Bellmonts/ singing 

 "Have any one here seen my old friend"   songs goes on to mention lots who have given so much in this life and have passed on. 

Also Elvis Presley.....singing "Glory Glory Hallelujah"

Both songs will really touch your heart! Wow!

The Mule


I loved this!!!!

A parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule.  The mule fell into the farmers well.  The farmer heard the mule braying  or whatever mules do  when they fall into a wells. 

After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving this mule....  so instead he called his neighbors together.... ,told them what happened and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery.  

Initially the old mule was hysterical!  /but as the farner and his neighbors continued shoveled  the dirt in it would hit his back, a thought struck the mule. Suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back he would shake it off and step up!

This he did , blow after blow.  Shake it off and step up....shake it off and step up!  ...he  repeated it to encourage himself and no matter how painful the blows or distressing the situation seemed the old mule fought panic and just kept right on shaking it off and stepping up.  

You're right!  It wasn't long before the old mule, battered and exhausted stepped triumphantly over the wall of that well!!  What seemed like it would bury him actually blessed him  and all because of the manner in which he handled his adversity. 

That's life!! 

 If we face our problems and respond to them positively, refusing to give in to panic, bitterness, or self -pity, the adversities that come along to bury us usually have within them the potential to benefit and bless us.  REMEMBER.....that forgiveness, faith, prayer, praise, and hope.... are all excellent ways to "Shake it off and Step Up"  out of the wells in which we all will find ourselves in at times!  Bless you all!😘

Remember Remember


These words were repeated many times in the scriptures cause we really do forget so quickly

Life is tough at times at times so hang in there and don't give up! In your life live by good examples of others, otherwise without it you may become pretty much weary in this life. 

Serve....its a great gift and feels so good to give!!  To help others!!

Go forward and keep going with faith!  Love your life, enjoy each day, each other , we have the promise that we all can be together again and all will be righteously judged and that Jesus Christ Atonement was for every single one of us!  Wow! A free gift to all!   Pretty nice I'd say.

                   Its a great plan !

You are a participant in Heavenly Father’s plan, and your eternal experience can be divided into three main parts: 

premortal life, 

mortal life, 

and life after death. 

As you come to understand the plan, you find answers to questions asked by so many: 

Where did we come from? 

Why are we here? 

Where do we go after this life?

Premortal Life

Before you were born on the earth, you lived in the presence of your Heavenly Father as one of His spirit children. In this premortal existence, you attended a council with Heavenly Father’s other spirit children. At that council, Heavenly Father presented His great plan of happiness (see Abraham 3:22–26).

In harmony with the plan of happiness, the premortal Jesus Christ, the Firstborn Son of the Father in the spirit, covenanted to be the Savior (see Moses 4:2Abraham 3:27). Those who followed Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were permitted to come to the earth to experience mortality and progress toward eternal life. Lucifer, another spirit son of God, rebelled against the plan and “sought to destroy the agency of man” (Moses 4:3). He became Satan, and he and his followers were cast out of heaven and denied the privileges of receiving a physical body and experiencing mortality (see Moses 4:4Abraham 3:27–28).

Throughout your premortal life, you developed your identity and increased your spiritual capabilities. Blessed with the gift of agency, you made important decisions, such as the decision to follow Heavenly Father’s plan. These decisions affected your life then and now. You grew in intelligence and learned to love the truth, and you prepared to come to the earth, where you could continue to progress.

Mortal Life

You are now experiencing mortal life. Your spirit is united with your body, giving you opportunities to grow and develop in ways that were not possible in your premortal life. This part of your existence is a time of learning in which you can prove yourself, choose to come unto Christ, and prepare to be worthy of eternal life. It is also a time when you can help others find the truth and gain a testimony of the plan of salvation.

Life after Death

When you die, your spirit will enter the spirit world and await the resurrection. At the time of the resurrection, your spirit and body will reunite, and you will be judged and received into a kingdom of glory. The glory you inherit will depend on the depth of your conversion and your obedience to the Lord’s commandments (see “Kingdoms of Glory,” pages 92–95). It will depend on the manner in which you have “received the testimony of Jesus” (D&C 76:51; see also 76:74, 79, 101).

Blessings through Knowledge of the Plan

A testimony of the plan of salvation can give you hope and purpose as you wrestle with the challenges of life. You can find reassurance in the knowledge that you are a child of God and that you lived in His presence before you were born on the earth. You can find meaning in your present life, knowing that your actions during mortality influence your eternal destiny. With this knowledge, you can base important decisions on eternal truths rather than on the changing circumstances of life. You can continually improve your relationship with family members, rejoicing in the promise that your family can be eternal. You can find joy in your testimony of the Atonement and the Lord’s commandments, ordinances, covenants, and doctrines, knowing that “he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come” (D&C 59:23).

Down the line....

 I was born a Todd

I am now a Shappard

My mother was a Sullivan

Her mother was  a Humes

Her mother was  Nelson

Her mother was Mouser


        Hey guys gonna check this but keep reading my blog!!!!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

President Reagan....A Warriors Tribute

    Coming soon!

things that Dad's mother said

Quotes of Dad's Mother: 

Dad ask his mom on marriage "how do you know if its the right one ?.....she replyed to his question/ well you shouldn't have to ask.

She was a smart lady!

Dad was young....Not sure of age but was invited to a dance and told his mother he didn't know how to dance. His mother said I will send you to a dance class which she did.  So sweet of her!

Dad said his mom brought him a new jacket and he ended up losing it and when he told his mom                                                   ....she said she wouldn't buy him another since he didn't take care of it and she didn't.

Joey  ask his mother "what was I like as a kid"  she answered  "you never were a kid." I can imagine that is true.

  Dad ask his mom "what kind of person you think I should be when I grow up?  His mom said to him "A good start would be to like people and stay out of jail." nice answer, she was a smart lady!

When he did something nice for someone... his mom would say quote "your one of the good guys."

a nice discussion with Todd

 I started a conversation about church with my son Todd sometime back and it went something like this:

I ask what does Heathers church teach? "Real Life" is the name of her church.  What does it believe? does it baptize babies? does it give each child a blessing, what does it teach?

Todd replyed that they are more of a non-denominational type church and do not baptize babies but do much for the community like many other churches.

  He went on to say I think only Mormons and Catholics claim to have direct line of authority back to Christ and his priesthood...

I said His church "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints"  have his name and I feel Christ is worthy to have His name on his church!  Back in time of Christ those who followed Christ were called saints...... Joseph Smith and Catholics both claim to have authority .....Catholics believe from an unbroken chain since Christs time on earth...we in the Chruch of Jesus Christ believe the authority was broken during the Dark Ages {you must read about the dark ages and you will understand why} was so bad back then and a change was needed so badly and was necessary!!  Christ church had to be renewed and brought back .....and who better than a small boy Joseph growing up in a Bible reading family he prayed about which of all these churches were the one he should join?  His family were all picking different ones but they all taught differently. 

Well thanks for getting back with me Todd...We love you and your reward will be wonderful because you served your Heavenly Father so well..... that chain was indeed broken and I believe we needed that new beginning /a fresh start and who better to choose than a humble young child who was sincerely wanting to know !!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

this song has beautiful words.....

 lyrics of    " I HAVE A DREAM "

Song by ABBA
I Have a Dream, a song to singTo help me cope, with anythingIf you see the wonder, of a fairy taleYou can take the future, even if you fail
I believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angelsWhen I know the time is right for meI'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream
I Have a Dream, a fantasyTo help me through, realityAnd my destination, makes it worth the whilePushin' through the darkness, still another mile
I believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angelsWhen I know the time is right for meI'll cross the stream, I Have a DreamI'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream
I Have a Dream, a song to singTo help me cope, with anythingIf you see the wonder, of a fairy taleYou can take the future, even if you fail
I believe in angelsSomething good in everything I seeI believe in angelsWhen I know the time is right for meI'll cross the stream, I Have a DreamI'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream

WE ALL COULD USE A LITTLE Attitude Adjustment from time to time...

Saw this and thought  YES!!!

Money of course can buld a charming home,  but ONLY  LOVE can furnish it with a feeling of home. 

Duty is good but  its LOVE  that makes the work easlier

Money can buy nice stuff  but Love cares enough to say NO at times

Obigation sends kids to bed on time but LOVE goes in to tuck them in and chat a min. and give a hug.

Compulsion keeps a sparkling house but its LOVE and ENJOYMENT plus PRAYER that stands a better chance of producing a happy family.

Duty gets sometimes old especially if you don't feel appreciated...but LOVE learns to laugh and to work and help for the sheer joy of doing it! 

 So go and enjoy a little glass of milk and while at it ..LOVE  sometimes adds a little chocolate!!!😊


There are 12 disciples that Jesus called to help Him:

Simon Peter


James & his brother John




James son of  Alphaeus





He called them and to those who believe he has called us also.

We are His disciples now...we do His work by example if nothing else.

I am one and you can be one also .....we are here to do his work! 

Our Money...?.

 A IRS Rebate check........

As you may have heard each of us will be getting a tax rebate check to stimulate the economy.

If we spend that money at Wal-Mart , all the money will go to China

If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs

If we purchase a computer it will go to India

If we purchase fruits and vegetables it will go to  Mexico

If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan

If we puchase useless stuff it will go to Taiwan and none of it will

help  the American economy.   

 We need to keep that money here in America!

The only  way to keep that money here at home is to spend it at 

                               YARD SALES,

Since those are the only businesses still in it for US!   haha!        Love it!  So true!

Beautiful Song....please play it , its on line

"To Believe".....go on line to hear her sing it!

Song by Jackie Evanch


     Before I lay me down to rest

      I ask the Lord one small request

I know I have all I could needBut this prayer is not for me
Too many people on this dayDon't have a peaceful place to stayLet all fighting cease that your children may see peaceWipe their tears of sorrow away
To believe in a dayWhen hunger and war will pass awayTo have the hope amidst despairThat every sparrow's countedThat you hear each cry and listen to each prayer
Let me try always to believeThat we can hear the hearts that grievePlease help us not ignoreThe anguished cries of the poorOr their pain will never leave
To believe in a dayWhen hunger and war will pass awayTo have the hope amidst despairThat every sparrow's countedThat you hear their cries and listen to each prayer
Father, as you see, I'm just a childAnd there's so much to understandBut if Your Grace should surround meThen I'll do the best I canI promise, I'll do the very best I can
To believe in a dayWhen hunger and war will pass awayTo have the hope amidst despairThat every sparrow's countedThat you hear each cry and listen to each Prayer 

Monday, April 24, 2023


 Stop.....and think before you drink....then don't

Don't let your parents down...they brought you up. 

Be humble enough to obey.... you will be giving orders  yourself one day

Don't show off driving...  if you want to race go to Indianapolis

Choose only a date who would make a good mate

Go to church ....the creator gives you a week... give Him back an hour on Sunday

Choose your companions carefully.... You are what they are.

Avoid following the a engine, not a caboose.

Live carefully but enjoy your life.... and as the saying  goes "the soul you save will be your own." 

Old Age....this is funny


There is nothing the matter with me

I'm just as healthy as can be,

I have arthritis in both knees

And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze.

My pulse is weak, my blood is thin, 

But I am awfully well for the shape I'm in.

All my teeth have had to come out

and my diet I hate to think about.

I'm overweight and I can't get thin,

But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.

And arch supports I need for my feet...

Or I wouldn't be able to go out in the street. 

Sleep is denied me night afternight, 

But every morning i find I'm all right

My memory's failing, my head's in a spin

But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.

Old age is golden I've heard it said,

But sometimes I wonder as I go to bed.

With my ears in a drawer, my teeth in a cup ,

and my glasses on a shelf , until I get up.

And when  sleep dims my eyes, I say to myself, 

Is there anything else I should  lay on the shelf?

The reason I know my youth has been spent, 

is my get up and go has got up and went!

But really I don't mind, when I think with a grin...

Of all the places my get-up  has been.

I get up each morning and dust off my wits, 

Pick up the paper and read the obits. 

If my name is missing, I,m therefore not dead, 

So I eat a good breakfast and jump back into bed.

The moral of this as the tale unfolds, 

is that for you and me who are growing old....It's better to say "I'm fine " with a grin, 

Than to let people know the shape we are in.

My hubby.......

Want to say this about my husband Joe.....He is a History Bug, ......I tell him he should go on Jeopardy and win us some money.   Also he is patriotis and loves this country...very devoted  to and vigorously in support of this country to the point of tears if hears songs of our country......

not to leave out that he is a very hard worker!

If I were to pick one word to describe him it would have to be DEPENDABLE!!  If he says he will do it... you can count on it!!

If he believes in something then he is committed wholeheartedly and will follow through!  He is a good man and out of this big world in which we live , I feel blessed that we found each other💑







Work a blessing...

 Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day which must be done whether you like it or not.   Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you temperance and self -control, diligence, and strength of will....and a hundred virtures which the idle never know!    


Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Gift

 President Nelson went to Occra Ghana and while there he met the King.  As with all his traveling he does he leaves a Book of Mormon.  In his travel to this country he told this story. 

The King of this country said  "Who Are You?"   Pres. Nelson said I am a ordained apostle of Jesus Christ! Then the King said what can you teach me about this Jesus Christ?  The Prophet handed him a Book of Mormon and said read this section 3rd Nephi and you will know of Jesus Christ.   The King said you come and give me this book , you could have given me diamonds and rubies and nothing more....but you gave me something even more precious,  this knowledge!  This is the Greatest Gift!!!.... the prophet knew this was the perfect gift to give him!

Good Advice

 Give me a mind that is not bored 

That does not whimper, whine or sigh .

Don't let me worrry over much

about that fussy thing called "I'

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Lessons From The Geese

 May have posted this before but so worth reading again. 

                      LOVE THIS

In the fall when you see geese heading south for the winter flying along in the V formation you might be interested in knowing what science has discovered about why they fly that way,  It has been learned that as each bird flaps its wings  it creates uplife for the bird immediately following. By flying in V formation the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own.  Quite similar to people who are part of a team and share a common direction.  It pays to share leadership and take turns doing hard jobs .  The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep their speed.  Word of support and inspiration help energize those on the front line.   

Helping them to keep pace in spite of the day to day pressure and fatigue.. it is important that our honking be encouraging , otherwise its just ---  well honking!

Finally when a goose gets sick or is wounded and falls out , two geese fall out of the formation and follow the injured one down to help and protect him.  They stay with him until he is either able to fly again or until he is dead. 

Then they launch out with another formation to catch up with their group. when one of us is down its up to the others to stand by us and in our time of trouble. 

They get where they are going quickly and easier because they are traveling on the trust of one another and lift each other up along the way. When ever a goose falls out of formation it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the power of the flock. 

If we have as much sense as a goose we will stay in formation and share information with those who are headed in the same wa y that we are going.

When the lead Goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wings and another Goose takes over.

You know if we have the sense of a Goose we will stand by each other when things get rough and we will stay  in formation with those who are headed really in same direction where we want to  go.   The next time you see a formation of Geese I hope you will remember this message:


About Love

 What is Love? 

Is it Love or infatuation?

Love is friendship. It takes root and grows one day a time. Not to be rushed into.

Love is quiet understanding and mature acceptance of  each others imperfections. 

Love will help you grow beyond  thinking of YOU....

Love is to lift each other and to be warmed by his or her presence ....even when away , miles do not separate you.... Near or far you know they are your.

Love is patience, kind ...not forceful.

Love is trust...calm and secure and unthreatened. 

Love lifts you , makes  you a better person than before.

The Child

 Once upon time there was a child ready to be born.  The child asked God,   " They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow , but how am  I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

God replied ,  "Among the angels I will choose one for you.   Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of  you."

The child further inquired,  But tell me , here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy."  

God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you everyday and you will feel your angel's love and be very happy. "

Then the child said but what will I call the Angel?  

You will simple call her Mother💞