So we are drifting along in the river of life and say that the hole in the boat won't effect us. No problem here! We put our blinders on and say everything is ok in my life, its perfect! Well ask yourself "is it really?" You may be telling yourself that the stuff going on out there in the world doesn't have any effect on me or my family. We are all doing great at our end. The fact is lots of things going on in the world does effect us. Just as that hole in the boat effects all those on board. We are all on board together in this journey of life!
Was thinking of how the way marriage is even being redefinded today, Families are falling apart! The new generation coming up see no need to marry , no need for a commitment, or even to have children. I fear families will never be the same again!
There is a hole in the boat alright and two notice it while two don't seem to care at all. Without all working together they will all likely go down . That one little hole if not fixed will have percussions on all that are in the boat.
How do we solve this? Its time to turn to our Savior and to His teachings. Bring back those sweet teachings that make all the difference. I teach a new class now at church called the CTR class. It stands for choose the right. I am teaching them about how to make good choices and tell them how much they are loved by their families, and that i love them too, and also that Jesus loves them!
You will surely notice when it gets hard to stay afloat in life. You will be tested and when this happens your only hope to suvive will be to turn to our Savior. Like the hole in the boat , don't feel for a minute that it won't effect you , it will! It will effect you, your children and more to come. Now is the time to repair your boat! Its not too late to patch that hole!
So many want to help keep you afloat, especially your family!!