At this time I am 73...been married fifty three years.
I have 7 children .....five girls and two boys
I have 13 grandchildren
Grew up in Vincennes, Indiana
Favorite place we lived...probably have to say Brunswick, Georgia in my young days. Had some fun times with my friend Betty Stackhouse...
Person most like to meet... years ago would had to say Kathy Lee and Regis / today B.of M. prophets that I have read about.
Favorite Singer...years ago was....Ronnie Milsap , Donny and Marie, Kenny Rodgers, Glen Campbell, and so many more. list is endless ....loved to hear Kenny Rodgers sing "Through TheYears" ...dad and I both enjoyed all the old romantic music.. and today Alan Jackson singing "Remember When "is one of my favorite!!
What drives me crazy....O my, dirty dishes in sink that dad leaving his shoes all over the place, towels not hung up after used and put onto hook in bathroom.. and last would be dad not taking his used dishes to the sink. ugh! retirement!! ha!
Things that scare me.....roaches for sure and getting older somewhat /don't like the thought that i might not be able to do for myself one day.Yikes!
Favorite pass time....puzzles, blogging, sudoku, reading, decorating my home. O and thrift stores. ha.
Places worked....After high school at a glass factory. dry cleaners short periold, three years at Sears Outlet and eight years at Walmart and a Video store years ago when Jen was a toddler and the owner let me take her to work with me. She would play in the store while i worked.
Favorite tv show.... HGTV , love the Property Brothers!!
Favorite meal... corn on cob,potatoe salad, chicken, dessert banana nut bread
Most amazing scene....guess would have to say Niagria Falls and Grand Canyon
My philosophy.. never judge another unless you have walked in their shoes.
First car I drove.... was a studebaker/ Lillie Todd taught me to drive and that was my brother Roscoe's first wife.... first car after we married was a 1953 Green Chevy.
What i wanted to be as a young girl....Opera Singer / influenced by movie "Showboat" and "South Pacific" or a Professional Skater! loved to skate/ will brag cause felt was second to the best in our little town at our roller rink. ha.
Story will tell one day.... how i overcame having to deal with some major set backs as a young child and teenager ... tryed to keep my chin up!
Best friend growing up.....for sure its my brother Bump!!